Saturday, June 23, 2012

So Far....Bummer

I have had a lot of people asking how Owen is doing since his chip was turned on last Monday (and thank you, by the way, for everyone's concern). I finally realized I hadn't blogged about it, so here I am. And the title pretty much sums it up. So far, we have actually seen harder more frequent seizures since the chip has been turned on. I guess this possibility never crossed our minds, we were merely hoping for a slight improvement or at the least for the seizures to stay the same. We weren't expecting any real change yet; the medical professionals have been telling us that it will take months, possibly even over a year for the chip to show its true colors. But for his seizures to be worse is very disheartening. Owen had a pretty rough day yesterday; usually having about 2 hard seizures a day, he had about 6 or 7. We go back to KC this Friday already to bump him up another notch; hopefully the sooner we get this chip to where it needs to be the better.

I did ask the dr. about why he didn't have a seizure the four days after surgery. My theory proved to be correct; the anesthesia he was given is actually in the same family as the medication he takes that has been so successful. He still had small amounts of the anesthesia in his system, which is why he was doing so well. Which brings me to my next WHY can't we give him this anesthesia medication every day again????!!! I will continue to post updates after Owen's VNS adjustments....hopefully we will see some improvement next time!

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