Monday, May 2, 2011


Packing, making meals, unpacking, packing, making meals, unpacking...I feel like this is all I'm doing these days. We have been going to Lawrence going on four weeks straight now, and I can tell the boys (and myself) are feeling the car-lag. As for the acupuncture treatments, I had a lapse in confidence a few days ago, but I think I'm feeling better about continuing them for at least another month or two. Owen wasn't eating or pooping as well as he had been the first couple of weeks, and I was afraid his body and mind was reacting in the same manner it did with all the meds...he would have a honeymoon period where his issues improved, but then after a couple of weeks they would return again. Well, after the third round of treatments, Owen was back to eating and pooping better again; I think it's just one of those situations where he'll get worse as the week goes on, until he can have another round of treatments again. On a good note, about two weeks ago, I was feeding him and talking with Gavin on the phone. Out of nowhere, Owen said, "mama", as clear as day. It was so clear that Gavin could even hear it on the other end of the phone. That moment was just the greatest, and I hope we have more to come.

I know I've talked a lot about eating and pooping with the acupuncture treatments (trust me, more than I would like to talk about eating and pooping...well, mostly pooping), but I haven't mentioned a whole lot about seizure control. That's because we're in a tough place right now with the seizures. They have presently gotten worse, and it scares us to think that the diet has anything to do with it. For the last 7 months or so, we were adament that the diet was not helping him. But now that he's on a lower ratio and he's slowly getting off the diet, he's beginning to have a slightly elevated frequency of seizures, and we don't know what to do about it. Gavin and I are still plotting our next move. Hopefully the increase in seizures is because of something like allergies or fatigue.

These pictures really have nothing to do with this blog post....I just wanted to put two updated pictures of both Dex (10 whopping months old) and Owen up so everyone could see how big they're getting....and so everyone could see what a freakishly weird tongue Dex has.

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